Hey guys, I'm back once again with another online money making venture that has no cost to you, the user. All you do is sign up HERE or at the link of the bottom of this article and you will be taken to the site.
This is not your typical Writing or PTC site which is why it makes it so unique. This site gives you a chance to earn money by referring people, writing comments on website, writing a small article on your blog and much more. They call these task "Micro Jobs". I have worked a lot of sites through the years but this one has proven to be the most unique and fun way to earn online.
Another great thing about this site is the advertising it can bring you to your blog without using a real traffic driving site which in return helps your page views and your Google Adsense if you got an account. Its affordable and a great way to get your site out there online and boost your page views and earnings.
So if your looking to make a little extra cash or need some affordable advertising then visit the link below you won't be sorry and after all what do you got to lose because "Free Is Always Better".
LINK: "Wanting To Earn Some Free Cash or Advertise On A Very Unique Site Click This Sentence"
Free Is Always Better
*-Anything I can Find Free Online Will Be Here-*
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Earn Some Easy Money Writing About Things You Love
Hey everyone, I'm back updating the blog today with another one of my favorite sites on the net that literally pays you to write about anything you want. Yes it's true.
Bukisa was a fairly new site when I joined about a year to a year and half ago and I have to say its been a great site to work. The users are friendly, the pay rate for page views is pretty decent and hitting the $10 Pay Pal payout is a breeze to hit every month if your a good writer.
For those of you who are new to Bukisa or never heard of it well it basically works like this. You join up with the site of course then write out the best quality article you can and submit it. That's all there is to it. In a day or two you will known if your work has been published.
Now if you got your work published, then your next step is to share your link or links to your work with your family or friends or whatever way you can think of as long as its not put into a traffic boosting sites as this is considered cheating. Once your page views start rolling everyday then you get paid a percentage of everything your work earns for as long as it published on the site or it goes out of business.
That is what makes Triond and Bukisa so great because you don't have to keep writing if you already have posted some good articles because they will just keep making you money every month. Trust me I know it works because I have been doing it for a year with this site and they have never missed a pay date.
So if your a good writer and want to earn some extra cash and get your work published, then why not check out the site by clicking (HERE) and see how much yo can make writing from your heart. If it doesn't work out oh well think of it this way, you tried something different and it didn't work but no worries because it was free and as I always say "Free Is Always Better!".
Try Your Luck Writing Online By Joining Here ----->> Join Bukisa & Earn Some Money
Try This Link If The Others Aren't Working ----->> Join Bukisa & Earn Some Money
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Social Network **FREE** Movie Online (Check It Out Here)
Well here it finally is for all you hardcore Facebook lovers all over the world. The Social Network movie is now online and I found it totally free with NO SURVEYS or FEE'S guarantee.
For those of you who have lived under a rock for the past 5 or more years and have not heard about Facebook, (lol) or maybe you never joined the site or your are not 100 percent positive what this movie is about, well I'll give you a quick run down right now on what it is.
I believe the movie is loosely based on the young billionaire Mark Zuckerberg's creation of the now infamous Facebook social networking site. The movie follows the story of the creation of Facebook and how the owner/creators became one of the most successful people over night with a simple to use website that was originally made for a school project.
It goes on to show the ups and downs of being rich and the things some people must deal with when hitting it big.
For some it will be a great movie and probably very interesting if you want to know the history of the site and it's creators but as for me, well I like Facebook and all but a movie about it now just seems like its to much for me.That's just my opinion and does mean you won't like it so all you can do is check it out if you want.
1. Click Movie Link
2. Once Page Loads, Look For The Button That Says "Continue To Movie" or a "Play" button
3. A Player Will Appear On The Screen & A Small Advertising Box In The Middle Of It (NOT ALWAYS)
4. Look For Either A Little "X" In The Right Hand Corner or A Little Box That Says "Hide The Ads" Hit It
5. Push Play On The Video Player and WATCH!
If the video lags on certain links then just hit pause and let it load for 5 or 10 minutes and come back and start again.
So I hope you guys enjoy the movie and the links can be found at the bottom of this post. Good news! These links are to DVD copies so its almost perfect quality but remember DVD or CAM copy doesn't really matter because, "FREE IS ALWAYS BETTER".
1. The Social Network (DVD COPY) **VIDREEL**
2. The Social Network (DVD COPY) **VIDEOWEED**
3. The Social Network (DVD COPY) **VEEHD**
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Earning Some Money By Using This Link Shorten Site

This site was brought to my attention to a friend of mine who has been working it for about 3 months. She guarantees me this site is on the up and up and always make regular payments every month to their users.
The system is simple, you get paid to use their service to shorten your links to your videos, music, pictures, articles or just about anything you share online. Once your links are shorten you simple copy them and paste them to your Facebook, Myspace or whatever other site you can think of.
You can earn $4 and up for every 1000 unique views to your links through this program and with the payout being only $5 through Pay Pal or Alert Pay you can easily hit payout if you advertise your links properly. You can't really go wrong.
Feel free to check it out or join HERE if your interested or click the link at the bottom of this post to join.
Why not give it a try it can hurt and doesn't cost a thing and after all "Free Is Always Better".
Join ADF.LY = (HERE) or (JOIN) or (HERE) or (JOIN)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Jackass 3D **FREE** FULL Movie Online (Check It Out Here)
It has finally hit the net guys. Yes, that's right I have manage to find a watchable cam copy of Jackass 3D online for free. If anybody out there was like me, then they where on the computers the day after October 15th which was the release date of the new movie looking for a copy to watch.
I tried for a week and no links checked out but rest assure I have found links to the FULL movie for free. No signing up for anything or any surveys to answer. Its as easy as picking a movie link below, going to the site and watch. REALLY, I kid you not. Keep in mind the quality is far from perfect but if your like me and many others and couldn't or can't make it to see the movie then this work fine.
For you guys that are not familiar with how these online movie sites work, well no worries it simple and after doing it once its a breeze.
1. Click Movie Link
2. Once Page Loads, Look For The Button That Says "Continue To Movie" or a "Play" button
3. A Player Will Appear On The Screen & A Small Advertising Box In The Middle Of It (NOT ALWAYS)
4. Look For Either A Little "X" In The Right Hand Corner or A Little Box That Says "Hide The Ads" Hit It
5. Push Play On The Video Player and WATCH!
If the video lags on certain links then just hit pause and let it load for 5 or 10 minutes and come back and start again.
So I hope you guys enjoy and the links can be found at the bottom of this post but remember its not perfect quality but it is watchable. You can't go wrong because "FREE IS ALWAYS BETTER".
1. Jackass 3D *FULL MOVIE* (Vidreel) Cam Copy
2. Jackass 3D *FULL MOVIE* (XvidStage) Cam Copy
3. Jackass 3D *FULL MOVIE* (VideoWeed) Cam Copy
4. Jackass 3D *FULL MOVIE* (DivxStage) Cam Copy
Want Some Cash For Writing About Things You Love? Then I Got A Link For You!
Well I promised to share my links with you guys to find free stuff online so I thought I would start with one of my favorite sites that has been paying me for 3 years now. For all guys living under a rock out there (lol) and have not never heard of Triond, you really don't know what your missing.
Triond's site gives users like freelance writers, story writers,poets and musicians a place to publish their works and get feedback from people all over the world and they PAY YOU for it. If your a good writer then you can hit the minimum $10 Pay Pal payout in a few days or a weeks. If your a good writer then the sky is the limit.
You can even upload your pictures and video's to help boost your income and if that is not enough, well you can add your google adsense which in some users cases like mine, have double our monthly earnings.
The system basically works like this, you write out a quality article not to short, that is interesting and would have a large interested group of writers. Then you submit it and the site will publish it after they check it over. After it has been published to one of their many sites you will start receiving hits. Now you can share your work links with friends and family but don't ever use a traffic search site or a PTC site to promote your links or your earnings will be taken away and you get banned for Triond and Google Adsense.
It's really that easy and the users are amazing and the site is a breeze to use. Some people don't have much success with the site but that is because they don't know what to write to bring in readers. That is a very easy thing to get around and I will share some tips at a later time.
Anyways if you want to make a couple of extra bucks to write about things you love and know and figure your good at it, then feel free to click the word "Triond" anywhere in my post to check it out. After all what can it hurt and we all need some free money don't we? So check it out today and sign up if you want and remember "Free Is Always Better" no matter what it is!lol
Triond's site gives users like freelance writers, story writers,poets and musicians a place to publish their works and get feedback from people all over the world and they PAY YOU for it. If your a good writer then you can hit the minimum $10 Pay Pal payout in a few days or a weeks. If your a good writer then the sky is the limit.
You can even upload your pictures and video's to help boost your income and if that is not enough, well you can add your google adsense which in some users cases like mine, have double our monthly earnings.
The system basically works like this, you write out a quality article not to short, that is interesting and would have a large interested group of writers. Then you submit it and the site will publish it after they check it over. After it has been published to one of their many sites you will start receiving hits. Now you can share your work links with friends and family but don't ever use a traffic search site or a PTC site to promote your links or your earnings will be taken away and you get banned for Triond and Google Adsense.
It's really that easy and the users are amazing and the site is a breeze to use. Some people don't have much success with the site but that is because they don't know what to write to bring in readers. That is a very easy thing to get around and I will share some tips at a later time.
Anyways if you want to make a couple of extra bucks to write about things you love and know and figure your good at it, then feel free to click the word "Triond" anywhere in my post to check it out. After all what can it hurt and we all need some free money don't we? So check it out today and sign up if you want and remember "Free Is Always Better" no matter what it is!lol
My First Time Blogging! I Will Get Better! lol
Welcome to all who decided to check out my blog and thank you for taking the time to look it over. My blog will contain well I guess whatever I write about!lol Actually what I want to accomplish with my blog is to share all the FREE things you can find online. Seriously why pay for stuff when you can get it for FREE right?
I have spent 5 years online perfecting my craft (lol) of seeking out the best or at least most honest sites that can offer us things for totally FREE. I'm not talking about the type of free that passes on the internet like one time payment thing, no these sites are what I claim to be totally free.
I usually will be posting free movie links to new release movies and new movies still in theaters that I have found online but also sharing my links to only REAL free paying sites. The sites will range from Freelance writing to playing games to watching ads and even getting free samples.
So make sure you stop by and check it out everyday because you never know you might find something useful to you or just see a really good movie you missed because "Free Is Always Better".
I have spent 5 years online perfecting my craft (lol) of seeking out the best or at least most honest sites that can offer us things for totally FREE. I'm not talking about the type of free that passes on the internet like one time payment thing, no these sites are what I claim to be totally free.
I usually will be posting free movie links to new release movies and new movies still in theaters that I have found online but also sharing my links to only REAL free paying sites. The sites will range from Freelance writing to playing games to watching ads and even getting free samples.
So make sure you stop by and check it out everyday because you never know you might find something useful to you or just see a really good movie you missed because "Free Is Always Better".
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